I'm registering my oldest for public 4K and I have to admit it's freaking me out. There are so many reasons. The obvious of course being that I can't believe my little baby will be in school! She grew so fast. Sigh. Of course, there's also the worries that I'm sure every parent has. How will she do? Will she fit in? Will she make friends? What if she's bullied? And on and on.
Added to that, I'm also a bit concerned how I'm going to handle it all. I will be driving her there and/or picking her back up four days a week. Michael could pick her up if she ends up in the afternoon section, but if she gets put in the morning section then it will all be on me. This will entail getting all three fed, dressed, ready to go, and packed in the car to drive there. Then I'm sure I will have to get all three out of the car to walk Kierra into the school. To a physically able person this is probably a bit stressful but totally doable. To me, it's doable but will probably have a huge learning curve until I figure out the logistics of it and what will work out best. Adaptation - story of my life! The baby, Angie, will have to be in the stroller since I can't carry her for long distances. Okay...doable. The carseats will have to be switched around so that Angie is on the outside providing me easier access. Okay...doable...I think. This may require Kierra to be in the middle and possible buckle at least part of her 5 point harness. Is that doable? I don't know. Dwelling on all these uncertainties is driving me crazy lately, so I have decided to just let it go for now. I'm not going to worry until late summer. Instead, I'm letting myself get excited for Kierra. I know she will love school. I can't wait for all the good that will come. We'll deal with the challenges. I'm used to them anyways. They just make me enjoy the sweeter parts of life more, right? Or at least I try to tell myself that somedays!
So, the next step is a screening for Kierra on May 3rd. We'll start there. My guess is she will do fine. We'll worry about the carseats later. ;)
School Registration....already!
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Friday, April 16, 2010
Labels: disability , family , Kierra , school , travel
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